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Interactive 3D video can be useful in the manufacturing segment to provide realistic and immersive simulations that replicate the manufacturing process

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benefits of 3D walkthroughs

Design Visualization

These simulations can help identify potential inefficiencies or errors in the assembly line, refine the design and prototyping phase, and provide hands-on training for employees and technicians.

Interactive 3D video can also enhance collaboration and communication among stakeholders by providing a visual and tangible representation of the manufacturing process and aiding in presentations and demonstrations to potential clients.

One major advantage of interactive 3D video in manufacturing is the reduced cost of developing and testing new products as it can aid in reducing waste, downtime, and potential errors. Interactive 3D video has helped manufacturers significantly reduce the cost of production and the time required to develop the prototypes and launch new products.

Moreover, interactive 3D technologies allow manufacturing companies to evaluate performance, material, design, and quality, that can result in an updated or improved manufacturing process that leads to an accurate representation of the products produced [9]. In conclusion, interactive 3D video has proven to be an essential tool for manufacturing companies in improving productivity, morale, and product quality.

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